
Sleep Deprivation May Lead to Long-term Brain Damage

Posted by Pharmics on 27th Apr 2020

It is no secret that the brain needs rest in order to function properly. However, a new article from CNN suggests that long-term deprivation of REM sleep cycles can lead to extensive brain damage. According to the study, brain damage occurs in the centers of the brain responsible for alertness and cognitive function.

The article also details that more than 25% of the neurons died in these areas of the brain within laboratory rodents. It also details that having the ability to catch up on sleep is a myth. There is no real way to recover from long-term insomnia, and according to the study, rest is crucial for the brain.

Vitamins can help brain functions

In lieu of this study, there are some vitamin supplements that may help with brain function, and promotion of good cognitive health.

They are: Omega 3 Vitamins | DHA | and Vitamin D

Maintaining the recommended daily doses of these three vitamins can promote healthy brain function, and potentially build resistance to long-term damage. While these supplements are helpful, it is strongly recommended that everyone get a full 8 hours of rest every day, unless instructed otherwise by a physician.

*FDA Disclaimer: This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Works Cited:

Source: Ben Brumfield, CNN®, March 19th, 2014 URL: