
Bring Back the Romance with More Energy

Posted by Pharmics on 27th Apr 2020

Romance is much more Romantic when you both have Energy. An iron deficiency could cause a slump...

Whether people admit it or not, love is perhaps the greatest supplement of all. It promotes the production of Oxytocin and many other chemicals needed for a healthy, happy life. So next time your significant other is bugging you to watch something romantic, it may not be a bad idea to listen. The resulting impact on the body and brain could lead to superior long-term health.

Symptoms and their recommended counterparts:

Love is blind = Vitamin C
Love is tired = Iron Supplements
Love is a battlefield = Omega 3 Multivitamins
Love is a DJ = Life is a dance floor

Make sure your blood has enough iron to keep the energy in your love life.

*FDA Disclaimer: This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.